on morbid thought
there is competition and there is competition... mmm...
a few days back i was quite surprised the mood of everyone is so choatic. people were getting mad at this particular professor who decided to break up the already made group for class projects. some did parts of it halfway through and there are a few who weren't elated to say the least about their new member(s?). then there was also this news about this supposedly mediocre classmate who was asked for an interview by a well known bank which caused a big hoohaa.
you can almost feel how thick the air that day. i never like the whole "if he can do it, i'm sure i can do it better" aura. i'm not denying i have a competitive side on me too; which is why i don't play monopoly and chess :D but i try to keep it low i guess. pure positive competition would help you to grow but if you grow just on the competition alone, i think it will lead to an unhealthy competition.
i still remember maybe about a decade back when i asked myself what i want to be in the future. at the time i thought to myself that i wanted to be like my uncle who was working in the bank; he was not particularly wealthy but his family was well supported with the needed facilities *notice "needed" not "wanted"* so basically i just want to be an average joe+. it's not that i want all the wealth in the world, to be the best in everything but as long as i can live my life comfortably i'm satisfied.
i think we should learn how to live our life for ourselves. we want to be the best not by anybody's standard but ourselves. we should even want to work our hardest for ourselves and not on the intention to surpass anybody else. a tinge of competition might spice our life a little bit but let's not make the competition the main course by itself. we'll never be pleased that way.
it's sad to think how the society has taught us to gauge ourselves with others; practically everyone around us. think about it? even at school the marking is done with a normal curve. so there is no such thing that everybody is just as good or even categorazisation as excellent and good. it will always end up as excellent, good, mediocre and not good enough. if you do a 90% and the rest of the class does 98% that means you are not good... i find that absurd... and pathetic at the same time.
in life there may be competition but let's not make competition our life...