moving forward
i'll see you there :)

for the past few years i've been telling myself to work day and night so that i will be able to do my masters abroad and now the wait is finally over. but is it really a dream come true? i doubt it. coz if it is then i will be much happier, fact is i'm not that elated leaving so many things in indonesia; my beloved car, my quirky friends, my loving family, etc etc ---> in short: my LIFE basically. talking about turning a new page huh?
maybe i've been given a second chance to do everything in singapore, but of coz there is a cost that i must pay to a certain extent. these days i'm pretty free since i have resigned from my job and most of the arrangements have been done. problem with being free is i have tons of time to think and me thinking equals BAD. *that's with everything capital bold and italic all at the same time* i wonder whether the so-called-cost will be worth it at the first place.
taking such a big leap as to do my masters abroad is kinduv an investment i think, a large sum of investment that is and in every investment i suppose there'd be risks. this one is no exceptional too. no i'm not only talking about the hard earned cash i have collected for around 3 years. basically i'm going to repeat what so many people have told me; i have a stable job with above average income for an indonesian my age, friends who are willing to help me most of the time, a car - a flash one in fact *God forbids you travelling in jakarta with no vehicle whatsoever! I LUUUUVE MY RED JAZZ*, and a mother who is still actively working, at the same time provides all my daily needs *from everyday fruit juice to state to the art resto she introduces to me every once a while*
maybe i'm just nervous leaving everything behind? that's a pretty interesting line isn't it? "behind"... that would mean i'm moving forward i suppose. i'd like to believe so. and i'd also like to believe that i will see my family and friends there. forward. *smile* i guess i'll see you there! :)