Tuesday, July 31, 2007

best friend, BFF, whatchuwannacallit?

long long midnight chat

you know the saddest thing in life is to get misunderstood. you think of one person as your very best friend but the other person tells you right in your face that you're just some common nobody in his/her life. a friend was sharing about this "mishap" in his recent life. shan't discuss too much about it, i'd like to respect his issues i guess.

it's quite strange but i think being a BFF, "best friend" or "buddy" or whatchuwannacallit is just a label people give to other people and the label does change from day to day. just one question though, does it matter? does it matter if that person thinks of you as a best friend or just a common friend? the way i see it, it's just a matter of feelings rather than labeling. don't get me wrong, i do have my hidden list of "buddies"...

everybody wants to be special (ask sylar if you don't believe me), to be more concise everybody wants to be special for some people. if i give you this much, you should reciprocate that much too. sadly, it doesn't work that way. friendship is a lot like love, it involves a lot of uncertainty and risk. you're putting your feelings right down there on the line but by doing so you will have the best friends in your life.

think of it the finance way, the higher the risk.... (everybody says) the higher the return. i think most of the time it is better to do things because you want to (regardless of what the other party thinks or wants) rather than being forced too. everything in this world is a choice, no one forces anything to us. ultimately it is us who choose a certain option. yes, there'd be people who try to shove their piece of mind in our lives but if you don't like it, we're always free to walkaway.

i guess we all shouldn't worry so much, people do stumble a little every now and then. it is how we pick ourselves up and continue walking that counts. just be yourself and the rest will fall in its own places. as the sermon last sunday said, God created us all beautiful in every sense and meaning - there's no reason to be somebody else :)

Saturday, July 14, 2007


today i was walking happily with my mp3 the new monkey majik album playing. went into the library when this rude librarian scolded me REALLY loudly. i mean i blasted my mp3 quite loud and i could still hear it clearly -_-" it INSTANTLY killed my mood right there and then.

do you know that all of us has that "power"? to make someone's day better or in this case the other way round.

question: why do we like spoiling people's day more than making it better? a new anomaly that i realize is quite common and at the same time rather mind boggling...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

you're so kiasu

*yawn* tell me something new

i must say that the term "kiasu" is so overly used that it kinduv loses its meaning. a couple of weeks back just before my term exams (days when i'm high on red bull) i decided to take one day leave to study. the topic supply chain management is definitely a hard one and more time was definitely needed to crash course the chapters. seriously, interning while taking two modules is a bitch.

i was joking to my boss (come to think of it, it wasn't much of a joke since it was pretty much the truth!) that i've been losing a lot of sleep for the past few days. she told me that mba students don't need to study as much since the chance of failing is very small. i honestly told her that passing is rather easy however getting good grades will not be that simple and since my CV has very little experience compared to the rest i should bulk it up with better grades. (i mean that's the least i can do right?)

then she told me right on my face, "hey, you're so kiasu"

well there were a few immediate replies playing in my head, "aw shaddap" and "HUH?" were among that topped my list but i opted for a loud "HAHAHA..." *ahem* don't ask me why.

anyways, maybe it is me? but i don't see preparing as a negative issue. yes, in the sense i'm not denying that i have my worries about MY grades comparatively to others. but ultimately it's my grade that matters and not others. and it's not that i'm all out telling lies to everyone about the chapters coming out or something?

grab as much as you can because you have the chance to do so. is that so wrong? the term "kiasu" that has a certain negative connotation to it should have a more positive flavour. in fact the government should do a kiasu campaign. they've done water conservation, courtesy and even smiling campaign. for a change, maybe they should do a kiasu campaign.

the way i see it, the word "kiasu" has experienced a shift of definition. i don't know about you, the next time someone calls me kiasu? i'll thank them.