what a way to begin the year. falling ill~
so today i didn't go to work and instead lie around trying to give myself a rest. i suppose i'm a tad over exhausted after the ultra busy schedule i had last week. i suppose i was being too ambitious and playing hard to please all my friends by meeting ALL of them all at one go.
anyway i'm' glad that i'm about 8 days into the 2009 and so far i'm enjoying my new year's resolution (one among the many haha) which is to get back to reading. i just finished reading the kite runner yesterday. very very emotional book, i would really recommend this particular book to you~
prior to the kite runner, i also finished a light on your face LOL book called a year in the
merde (that is sh*t in french) basically an almost biography of a british guy and his experience in france. pretty interesting read too. may want to borrow the sequel(s) from my friend soon...
and then there was the freakonomics. one book that i could never complete no matter how hard i tried. i've checked this book sooo many times from the national library but couldn't really have the time (yeah right haha) to finish the book. anyway in a stupid i just have to do it prehistoric impulse kind of way, i've decided to BUY the book instead. this way i'm forced to really read the book haha~ anyway yeah i'm glad i did that, the book is a gem (although i must say i enjoy his additional new york times' articles more than the book errr... haha)
another book i recently finished was the alchemist. recommended by a friend who told me that it's a very inspiring book. and yes, in times like these we all need inspiration once in a while don't we? so i borrowed a copy from the national library (WHICH I HAVE TO RETURN SOON! ARGH!!!) and quite enjoyed the book. very very positive read i must say, almost disney even (haha) uplifting and inspiriting it is. i think it's perfect for some of my friends who are always having problems at work and everything, sometimes it's
maktub (written) and you're actually off to a bigger thing if you have the patience :)
i still have a few books lining up before me. there are neil gaiman's the american gods and anansi boys. not sure if it's good, but since it's neil gaiman, i would think they should be of a certain standard? and i would love to read the tipping point or blink. again, like freakonomics, i've checked it out from the national library so many times but yet didn't have the determination to finish it. i wonder if i should buy them, i heard he came out with a new book called the outlier but i hesitate about that one. it's the one thing i am never quite sure about, to be an outlier. sometimes i enjoy blending among the crowd more :p hmmm~ but there are times when you feel good to be "different" i guess...
aaaaanyway, any good read to recommend? :)