i really don't know what i'm feeling now i suppose. my goodness, this is like those years with the emotional ups and downs. a roller coaster of moods all pent into one.
i so want to tell myself, hey dude, grow up~ *sigh*
i really don't know what i'm feeling now i suppose. my goodness, this is like those years with the emotional ups and downs. a roller coaster of moods all pent into one.
so i shall start with something embarrassing,the lower part of my pants' thread kind of let go? in the end after walking from the mrt to the office it looks as if it ripped from bottom up. i'm talking about 20cm rip here? ö gawd.. in the end i scotch taped my pants from inside haha.. and if i'm a celebrity, it'll be called the hollywood tape haha~ fortunately after multiple taping every now and then it actualy lasted the whole day :p
it's interesting to know how the person whom i thought oozes self confidence has so many insecurities about himself. i'm not saying that it's something entirely negative, it just puts many things into a different perspective. i guess everybody is just human in every sense, right? or is this maybe my insecurity a'calling? (hehe)
sometimes i wonder in life if i do fit in with the group i am/was in or i TRY to fit in. take junior college life as an example, it was the time when friends' acceptance was most important more than anything else. can't say that my jc life was bad at all, i was in a good school with nice friends, had a reputable eca even. but looking back, i kind of question myself again. in between the awkward conversation, forced laughter and all, who am i kidding, i don't think i belong there..
i'm feeling like a disposable tissue ryt now. when my friends are in need they come looking for me, but dispose me as soon as they're back on track. haha.. o well, i guess i should be glad of 2 things in general:
what a way to begin the year. falling ill~
so it's the last day of the 2008, within 12 hours and 5 minutes we'll all