Sunday, January 29, 2006

B 2525 OK

and today i tell you was quite an eventful morning, i saw a car with B 2525 OK number plate on it. i DID took a pix of it with my lousy handphone but it turned out so bad i've decided not to paste it here...*eventful? what eventful?* coz after that i started thinking of all the things i have done when i am 25 *still gonna be 25 til feb 4th right?*

things i have done this year:
1. frequent the gym
can you believe it? i have done so for ONE year *but why do i still have obliques..roll eyes* last year i told myself that if i don't start shaping up myself then i will probably never do so.
2. do my masters in singapore
man...this one sadly did not turn out the way i wanted it to be...still quite shock about it but then i'm coming back with a vengeance. i'm going to take the GMAT sometime next month, hopefully that will be enough to save me a seat in nus/ntu/smu?
3. dye my hair
interestingly i DID dye my hair violet sometime mid of 2005 and currently hanging on a light brown. a friend suggested highlighting it various colours but i don't think i should unless i go abroad? maybe that's what i'd do, if i get accepted in one of singapore's uni i will highlight my hair... hmm hmm....
4. leave the company
man o man o man, i'm pretty much stuck in this company. what would you do if the pay is more than enough but the job doesn't make you any smarter by the day. it teaches you how to follow the boss. *roll eyes* basically it just tells you how to nod onto everything they say :( BUT on the contrary i need the money to fund myself if i ever wanna do my masters abroad..darn it! i suppose i'm stuck for now.
5. get a girlfriend
well this particular one failed so horribly i tell you. 'nuff said.
6. be more religious
skipping this one too. hahaha.

counting down my 25 year old status days, it's pretty scary to think that you're not getting any younger and the world is not stopping for you. but i can say that i lived my 25 year old quite well, not perfectly, definitely FAR from perfect but i suppose i will "B 2525 OK" (now if only i can find a "B 2626 OK" *grumble3x*)


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