Monday, February 12, 2007


the question of self worth

the other day a friend told me that my blog is getting more "cheem" and she doesn't understand what it is about anymore. maybe it's bcoz it's so gloomy and depressed most of the time now? well to be honest, i prefer writing those happy thoughts too but the fact is that i'm feeling very uncertain nowadays.

i quite surprised that my friends still can keep up with my mood; going up and down the scale so fast within a few minutes. i hope i can be more stable emotionally or at least be a better friend but truth be told, again, i don't know where i'm standing.

i suppose it has to do with self confidence. it's not only the quiz result that was given out by the lecturer today; it was probably a mere catalyst? thinking back for the past few days i realize that... maybe i'm not as competent as i thought i am. need to do some self reflection, not that i have that much time to spare though...

i hope i can survive til chinese new year hols... i hope my friends can too *sigh*


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