Monday, February 05, 2007

birthday present

this morning i feel so fresh! i woke up with almost a "the-hiiiiiills-arrrrr-alivvvvve" kind of enthusiasm *har har*. basically i was so tired studying throughout sunday *read my o-so-lame way i celebrated d-day this year* that i fell asleep at about 10.30 and woke up at 7. must be my most refreshing morning since years :)

i happily took the time to hit the shower *see, i didn't use the word "bathe", a friend told me it sounds very girly? eh?* and cook myself a bowl of indomie goreng (<-- ps. my jaw literally dropped when i found out there's an entry for this in wikipedia). basically it was close to a perfect morning. i figured maybe this is my belated birthday present :) it makes me realize that in the hectic world of our daily lives, it is important to exhale and take some time to rest. we're no robots after all *although i bet our bosses/ lecturers might feel otherwise*

*ahem* it will be a perfect morning if i didn't have to dash to my 9 o'clock class and was STILL 15 minutes late. aaaaah, just the right dose of reality :D puuurfect just puuuurfect...


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