Saturday, November 25, 2006

captain's log on 25th nov'06

on my so-called-life in singapore so far

*phew* it's been almost two weeks since i last blog, past few weeks have been INSANE! it's literally a hurdle of one project after another and when the projects are over, the EXAMS are queueing. it's interesting to see that my life these days is becoming like one of those nerdy people who don't have much time to socialize outside their daily scope of friends. used to think those people are miserable! fact is - i confirm my statement: WE are miserable! :D

but honestly speaking so far the journey in singapore's been full of ups and down, more than i expected. i found that sitting doing nothing in your room is a leisure i don't enjoy everyday. used to encourage mr lumos to go socialize, meet friends and such but NOW fact is sometimes i just feel like lazing around my bed doing nothing. read some books (those without the word "text" infront of coz), play some computer games, listen to light music, drink a cuppa' watever warm and just enjoy the sight of rain from my room.

it's been raining alot these days btw, feels alot like christmas hmmm.... *smile* my favourite holiday of the year.

i suppose this whole mba course is like a battle of wits and will. correction: a battle of WILL and then later wits. you must have one big DETERMINATION *in capital AND bold* to complete the whole course i guess, and it helps too if you tip over to the not-so-sloooow side. look at it this way, how do you finish 13 chapters of a book *that is practically 600+pages* in 4 days? and i'm not talking about procrastination here, the time alotted was just not enough *think projectS* but we did it. well we DID the exam, not too sure about the result though *cripez*

two down, three more to go, i hope i can survive the week. exams bring people close together, it's true. kind of the people in that movie "deep impact" *THE other 'armageddon' movie which was shown about the same time? the one with no bruce willis and liv tyler in it -_-"* when the end is near, people draws near to each other :D this IS hyperbolic then... watever, i'm exam high, so shoot me. we'll survive this exams i guess, and have a blast! at least til the result is out: 27th december'06. ARGH! make sure you stuff yourself to death on the 25th, might be your 'last supper'.

ps: does 风水 involve numerology? the one million bucks question... :)


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