Tuesday, November 23, 2004


"this is how I did it, Anton; I never saved anything for the swim back..."

the quote is taken from the movie "Gattaca".although alot of people might have said the movie was a total flop, i actually found the movie to be an eyeopener and even had tons of message in it...there was this scene that stood out for me, about two people having a swim challenge between them. the elder brother (Vincent) was not as 'perfect' or genetically flawless as his younger brother (Anton) however at that challenge Vincent proved that he was a stronger swimmer than Anton (which was totally unlikely)...Anton who was baffled asked his brother how he did it and Vincent lightly answered because he 'never saved anything for the swim back'...

do you know that i consider myself a big loser in life and always awkward at alot of situations...unlike some other people who have 'better genes' (?)than i do if you want to refer to the 'Gattaca' plot that is...not exactly a cassanova, not really an einstein, definitely not a brad nor a tom...alot like Vincent in the movie i suppose...it should be a cult movie for all losers world wide i think..:)

well maybe that's how i (or those who have the same mindset as i do) should implement in life; to give everything that we have and not look back...i mean really really seriously all or nothing. if you want something, don't think of the consequences and the what if's...as long as you know that it is positive, go for it with all your might! *gambatte!* we don't have much to start with but if we put more effort in it we might still come out with our chin up right?

*raise coffee mug*here's for everyone who are losers or losers at heart...hehehe....


Blogger Muffin Man said...

hear hear ...

5:10 PM  
Blogger Yan Dao said...

Why coffee mug? Because office provide free coffee? :P

6:29 AM  

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