in need of a detour...
how many of us find our lives is so boring and lame..everyday is so mundane and filled with routines that we more or less can't escape? sometimes we hope something exciting or at least 'fresh' would come our hehe..well spie_dee here has given it a thought ALOT amidst the panic and my mother screaming that i was going to be late for work, i once again contemplate about it..."will there be something interesting today*stef scrath head*"hmmm...
but seriously...the problem of us thinking our lives are boring maybe lies in ourselves? perhaps we aren't looking close enough...
sometimes i complain sooo much (maybe not aloud though) about not having much time for myself...but here i am, taking a deep breath and trying to look at the bigger i in any position to comlpain at all? who's to blame when i am overly busy? who's to fault when i do not have time for my friends? who's to point fingers at (esp the middle one..?) when i do not have the leisure to go out and meet someone i find 'interesting'? the thing is i realized today at 09.24 am in the morning on a sucky squeeky chair that there is no one i should blame...not my let's-study-tomorrow-and-play-today students...not my you-gotta-hand-the-reports-NOW boss...definitely not my friends...not even MYSELF!*stef mocks a gasp*
seriously speaking let's try looking at our lives from a different light...there is nothing to groan about...okay, i'm being too positive here..there is nothing MUCH to groan about...yes i wake up at 6.00 and work until 18.00 after that i still need to tutor 2 students and finally reach home at 22.30 but come on *stef takes a deep breath* i am more or less 'financially stable', pretty much content with work, not too many friends due to the limited time i have to socialize but hey at least i dun think i have too many people who hate me that i? hmmm the eternal impending question lies..hahaa..and i kind of like ALL my students with their own 'uniqueness' and 'antiques'...yes bear, even you...hahahaa...they're kind of cute *in their own way of course...* i think...hmm..*read: not in a dirty disgusting pedophilic manner of course thank you very much..*
will there be a change in my life today? i dun think so... it's not like i reached enlightenment or's those things we already know most of the time but juz slipped our mind at times or rather we choose to forget juz for 5 minutes of good addictive self-pity...let's stop worrying about the non existent detour..the exciting change in our daily my opinion the detours should be the way we see our lives in general...maybe we should learn to be content with what we have and stop worrying about the things that we don't say...but give yourself a minute after reading this posting and give it a thought then dare you say "lame..lame.."?
Hey, at least you've got a car...
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